Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will there be Internet connectivity?

    Yes, the star party has StarLink available in and around the visitor center at one end of the observing field. We are trying to expand coverage throughout the field. Note also that some smartphones will have 5G data capability on the observing field (Verizon has been verified).
  • When is the earliest I can check in at the star party?

    The field will open for setup at noon on the first day. You will need to leave by noon on the final day.
  • Will coffee be provided during the night?

    Yes! There is even a “bottomless coffee cup” that you can purchase for unlimited coffee during the star party (and you can bring it back to future star parties for a discount). In addition, most food items are available to satisfy hunger pangs all night while you are observing.
  • Are trailers allowed on the observing field?

    Yes … and there is no extra charge. Note that there is no hookup for RV trailers on the field (electrical or plumbing), but there are very nice RV camping sites provided by the state park right across the road from the observing field. Depending on how much rain has fallen, access to the field my be limited. To reserve those sites, contact the park. In the case of very wet or muddy conditions, we will position larger motorized RVs and trailers in a paved parking lot nearby.

If you have any questions that are not covered in this list, please feel free to use the Feedback link in the menu above to send us a question by e-mail.