Chapel Hill Astronomical and Observational Society

Star Party Status

We have had a great year of star parties this past year. A bit damp, but we still observed the night skies. We are getting ready starting in mid-December for the star parties in 2025. The March event is March 24th through 30th. Later in the month and hopefully drier. Orion and Leo will be … Read more

Star Party Experience

Read about one person’s stellar experience at Staunton River Park, and how she ended up connecting with CHAOS and the star party.


This is a dummy page, serving as parent for the seasonal subpages below. The subpages are boilerplates for each season. Copy the text from the appropriate season page to update the page “What’s in the Sky Tonight,” and add current info on whether any planets are visible, etc. None of these pages should be in … Read more

Welcome to the New Website

We hope you’ll look around. Is there something we’re missing that you’d like to see? Please post your feedback, questions, etc. to our new email server, If you were part of the Mobilize group, you shouild have received an invitiation by email.This is a new platform for me and I suspect for many of … Read more