Chapel Hill Astronomical and Observational Society

Welcome to CHAOS

Chapel Hill Astronomical and Observational Society

We cater to all levels of astronomy fans, so if you’re only a beginner, that’s all right–read on.

Upcoming Events

EventDate Details
Astronomy Days at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences in Downtown RaleighSaturday AND Sunday February 1-2
Join CHAOS (and RAC and NASA and MPSC and NCMNS!) for this annual celebration of all things astronomy. Free. A great event for the whole family.
More information can be found HERE.
February Club Meeting
February 11
7:00 pm
We meet in person at PBSNC in RTP (and on Zoom). The address is 10 UNC TV Dr., Durham. 
You can join us on Zoom. Link will be HERE and above.
Our Speaker is Chris Gould “What Time is it on the Moon
Monthly Skywatching at Staunton River State ParkSaturday,
February 22,
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Skywatching at this International Dark Sky Park in Virginia with CHAOS. For more information and future monthly dates, please check here.
Skywatching at Washington-Duke InnSaturdays
(weather permitting)
We will be starting back in March.
Spring Star Party at Staunton River State ParkMarch 24-30Registration is OPEN!! Go HERE for more information.
NC Statewide Star Party
@ Chapel Hill Public Library
Friday, April 4
4:00-6:00 pm
Don’t miss the 2025 NC Statewide Star Party. CHAOS will be at the Chapel Hill Public Library and other sites around the Triangle. Watch for more information HERE.

Schedule a Skywatch

Are you a teacher? Scout Leader? We offer skywatch sessions, free of charge, for any educational purpose.We’ll bring one or more telescopes, depending on the size of the crowd. All…

Telescope Buying Guide

Do you want to buy a telescope, but don’t know where to start? You might consider using a pair of binoculars first, to become acquainted with the night sky. You…

What’s in the Sky Tonight

Facing South, look to your right (West), and you will see the bright star Arcturus. The really bright star almost straight overhead is Vega. Left of Vega, you’ll see another bright star–Deneb. And…

Latest Events and News

Star Party Status

We have had a great year of star parties this past year. A bit damp, but we still observed the night skies. We are getting ready starting in mid-December for…

President’s Message

Holiday Greetings CHAOS. This year has flown by as we are in mid-November already. We have had quite a year of celestial event and wonders. A total eclipse in April,…

Star Party Experience

Read about one person’s stellar experience at Staunton River Park, and how she ended up connecting with CHAOS and the star party.

Welcome to the New Website

We hope you’ll look around. Is there something we’re missing that you’d like to see? Please post your feedback, questions, etc. to our new email server, If you were…